When to Hire a Handyman?

A handyman is somebody who can help complete jobs in your home – from the very small to the very large. They differ from specialist companies of electricians and plumbers because they are skilled in multiple areas for less technical electrical, plumbing, and carpentry jobs, and much more besides. But how do you know when handyman services are the right option for you as a homeowner?

  1. When The Job Is Small

The first thing you need to do when you’re wondering whether or not handyman services are the right way to go is to ask yourself how big of a project the job is going to be. Handymen are skilled individuals, but you should imagine them as a jack of all trades. That means that they are trained at handling multiple jobs in multiple areas, but if the job is an especially large, complex, or specialized one, then they may not be able to help.

If you’re unsure about whether or not they can handle the job you have lined up, then the best thing to do is ask. There are lots of ways you can find a local handyman. Try looking online, in your local newspaper, or asking other homeowners about any jobs they may have had done by a handyman – then simply contact them. Explain what the job is and ask if they could help. If they can’t, then they’ll likely point you toward someone who can. It might be a different, more experienced handyman, or a specialist, but either way you’ll get your job done.

  1. When You Have Multiple Jobs At Once

Handymen are especially great at fixing lots of your problems at once. If you have lots of jobs that need doing, then a handyman will be more than happy to help you out. Like we’ve already discussed, they are trained to do various jobs, so if you need a shelf putting up, a piece of furniture fixing, or a kitchen cabinet door looking at, they’ll be happy to take them all on at once if they can.

Make sure you mention everything when you contact them though. They may need to bring more tools along with them, and they won’t appreciate you dropping more jobs on them whilst they are there. Remember, handymen often set their own rates in terms of pay, so they will charge you based on all the jobs you want them to complete. Not telling them about extra work means they won’t have factored that in to the amount they are charging you for the job, so be honest and upfront so you can pay your handyman a fair rate and you know the total cost from the start.

  1. When You Can’t Do It Yourself

This is a bit of an odd point, but if you know that something is a DIY job, but you just don’t feel confident, skilled, or safe enough to undertake it, then contact a handyman. Most people working in handyman services will have lots of experience completing DIY style jobs for others. Whether it is flat-pack furniture, fixing a cabinet door, or hanging shelves, they will have seen it all before and will be happy to help you get it done.

Remember, there’s no shame in asking for help around the house, especially if you’re a homeowner who wants everything to be done perfectly. Outsourcing these DIY jobs to trained professionals such as a handyman is a great way to guarantee that the job will be done quickly and to a high standard.

Handyman VS Specialist Company

To finish, we’ll look at why handyman services might actually be a better option than specialist companies for some jobs. You might think that specialist companies who hire plumbers, electricians etc. would be best for your home, since they are experts in that specific field. However, if the job is not specialist in nature, then hiring these companies could cost you far more than a handyman who can equally complete the job to a high standard for a much smaller fee.

The best thing to do whenever you have a new job that needs doing around your home is to contact a handyman first. No handyman worth their salt would take on a job they know isn’t suitable for them, so if they say they are able to do it, then you should stick with them. It will cost you less money, and you’ll also be supporting a local handyman. It’s a win-win!